Rhythmic Souls | 702-723-SPIN


Our Studio Policies

Group Classes - 4-week Sessions:

- A series is 4 weekly classes in one month (one type of dance).

- Please be on time or arrive 15 minutes before your class to register.

- There are no credits or make-up classes given for missed classes. If you do not think you can attend all four classes in a series, it may be better to drop-in on classes you can attend.

- The discount per class is only available if you prepay for all 4 classes in a month.

- Group series purchased prior to the beginning of the series must be used by the end of that series.

Private Lessons:

- All private lesson packages expire within six (6) months of the purchase date.

- If you are unable to keep your appointment for a private lesson, please notify us 24 hours prior to the lesson to avoid being charged for that lesson.


- All sales are final, non-refundable, and non-transferrable.

- All returned checks will be charged a fee based on the bank fee we are assessed.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand our policies. Let's Dance!

Our Privacy Policies


We do not share your personal information with anyone.

This privacy policy applies to http://www.rhythmicsouls.com, owned and operated by Rhythmic Souls Dance Studio. Rhythmic Souls is committed to protecting the privacy of our website visitors (users). We uphold the highest industry standards in online privacy.

Testimonials: We post text and video customer testimonials on the Rhythmic Souls website which contain customer's first name. We obtain the customer's consent prior to posting this information. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, please contact us at info@rhythmicsouls.com.

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